County Seat Newspaper
of Clare County

Letter to the Editor-Commissioner Seeks Recount


I would first like to take a moment to thank all of my supporters and volunteers for their hard work and dedication. This Tuesday was the primary election and after a very long night and morning on Wednesday, the results of the election are now in and certified.

As many of you may know, the results of the District 6 race were incredibly close with only a difference of three votes separating the first and second place finishers. While this election had a great turn out and many wonderful things happened as a result of it, I have heard from many of my constituents about issues regarding the District 6 race that they were concerned about.

Questions of legitimacy and accuracy in regard to the primary have been raised and, as the current county commissioner, I do not feel our community can afford to have these doubts fester for two years. The integrity of our elections is a cornerstone of our republic and any attempt to jeopardize that stability must be put to rest as soon as possible.

With this in mind, I have decided that in order to put to bed any doubt that our election was conducted properly, and to ensure that the next District 6 County Commissioner, whomever they may be, has the full support of their constituents, this afternoon I filed the official paperwork and personally paid the cost required for a recount of the ballots cast in this race.

It is important that after this recount is completed that all parties involved and their supporters recognize and accept the results of the election. While I have filed for a recount of the votes, I want it to be known that I will accept the final results of this election regardless of the whether I or one of my opponents is declared the victor.

At the end of the day, we have all sought to serve our fellow citizens of District 6 as their employee. My actions are not to circumvent the will of the people, they are merely to confirm the accuracy of its execution. We must all be confident in the results for the commissioner who is sworn in to be effective at their job.

I cannot imagine that anyone would want to have a cloud of doubt hovering over them when they were trying to do a job they were hired to do. It is for this reason that I have done what I did today. It is my hope that in the next couple of weeks that we will finally be able to put to rest any doubts or concerns that have been raised once and for all.

David Hoefling

Commissioner District 6


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