I am a suicide survivor, as there was a suicide death in my family this past summer. At that time and still at this time (to my knowledge) there are no suicide loss support groups in Clare or the surrounding area.
After a few weeks of searching, I did find Barb Smith Suicide Resource and Response Network. Her network has a support group in Saginaw. There is another good group in Traverse City, but living in Clare it is a great distance to drive to either group. With being more open and discussing suicide, I found there is a need for a support group in this area. My goal is to start a group in Clare.
At this time I have a conference room spoken for which I am willing to pay for, for a year. What is needed is a facilitator/leader of the group, preferably someone who is a suicide survivor. It would also be good to know how many suicide survivors would be interested in a support group. This would be available to anyone in the surrounding area – Clare, Gladwin, Isabella, Midland, Wexford, Gratiot counties for anyone over age 16. Meetings would be for 1 ½ hours twice a month. If you are a suicide survivor and would be interested in a support group and/or be a facilitator, or have questions message me on Facebook, Maxine Lago. Any contact with me will be kept private and confidential. Thank you.
Maxine Lago
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