Cleaver Senior Staff Writer
HARRISON – All five board members were present at the Aug. 27 Hayes Township General Board meeting, where the agenda kicked of with Community Reports. Those included an update from Commissioner Gabe Ambrozaitis on the employee health insurance budget actions taken Aug. 26 by the Clare County Board of Commissioners. A second update noted there would be two rezoning applications considered at the upcoming Sept. 11 Hayes Township Planning Commission special meeting.
Department Reports began with Supervisor Rick Jones who listed having attended recent meetings of the Clare County Airport Committee, Clare County BOC, and the Clare County Road Commission. He also said the township’s recent brining went well, with only two roads having been missed.
Treasurer Maye Tessner-Rood spoke of the recently approved duplex development on Grant Avenue as well as the HAEDCO development project on Old County Farm Road. She said there had been a meeting with developers, and architectural final designs are being awaited for approval. Tessner-Rood said the developers are looking at about 30 homes to begin with, and that assisted living and urgent care are top priorities HAEDCO would like to see to improve the area. She said the Grant Avenue four-duplex project had received a grant just shy of $1 million.
Clerk Deb Hoyt reported that, at that time, two election recounts were being scheduled – something that’s handled through the county clerk’s office, not the township. Hoyt also spoke of getting ready for the November General Election, with preliminary testing of ballots and election equipment set for 10 a.m. Sept. 23. The Election Commission meeting will be at 10 a.m. Oct. 10 for appointment of election inspectors and receiving boards. A public testing of ballots will be at 10 a.m. Oct. 17. As required by law, the Hayes Township Office will be open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. the Saturday before the November election. She also informed that the township will be required to undergo a single audit, to be done in November. As a member of the Harrison District Library Board, Hoyt also noted the various events offered at the library, including an upcoming Sept. 11 presentation by author Michael Deeb on the topic of Civil War prisons.
Trustee Ernie Teall noted that the Blight Enforcement group had met the previous week, and also spoke of the Building Committee’s meeting and the 10-item list of things, some of which had been completed. Remaining work included: a locksmith visit, correction of interior doors, fencing, drinking fountain at the concession stand, and a toilet.
In his Zoning Report, Ken Hoyt noted 15 permits were issued in July: four new construction; three garages; three additions; two sheds; one fence; one demolition; and two carports.
Hoyt’s reported that 911 calls were up by 108 in the township as compared to 2023. Of those 108 calls, 87 were Public Peace/Other, which he said include such things as noise complaints. He said the township was up 11 calls in Paper Service and 17 calls in General Assistance. Also up were two Intimidation/Stalking calls, and down two Suspicious Persons calls. No Narcan was administered, but there were two criminal sexual conduct, and one suicide. The Fire Report included 11 calls total: two Good Intent, three Lines Down, one Unauthorized Burning, one Motor Vehicle Accident/without injury, one Motor Vehicle Accident/with injuries, one smoke detector activation, and one carbon monoxide activation (with no CO detected), and one Dispatched/Canceled.
Hoyt also reported on Blight Enforcement, noting that two violation letters had been printed, and that one of those properties (on Oakley) had already been resolved. He said that in August four new first letters of violation had been sent, along with two new second letters of violation, and that three tickets had been issued with another ticket to be issued likely the next day.
He said two more short motion and proposed abatement orders had been applied for and were before the 80th District Court awaiting the judge’s signature.
New Business motions were passed to:
-Approve revised Audit Engagement Letter and increase in cost from $12,575 to $16,075 (an additional $3,500 due to Hayes Township being required to now have a single audit).
-Accept the Hayes Township L-4029, 2024 Tax Rate Request as presented.
-Refer to the Personnel Committee establishment of a Dangerous Building Officer job description.
-Approve the Building Committee recommendation to provide three months of portable toilets for the outdoor complex (to accommodate after hours pickleball/tennis court/basketball court users) at a cost of $370 from Countywide Septic. A lone dissenting vote was cast by Rick Jones.
-Award to Walters $3,500 for landscaping project in front of the building and a concrete slab pour by the concession stand.
-Authorize the township’s assessor to contact the township’s attorney regarding a vacant 40-acre parcel not being used for educational purposes. (Later in the meeting Jones explained that this parcel is not being used for educational purposes, thus should not be tax exempt.)
-Approve 10 a.m. Oct. 8 and 6 p.m. Oct. 22 dates for road improvement public hearings with special meetings if needed.
-Adopt Resolution 24-02 Road Improvement Special Assessment District.
-Contact the township’s attorney regarding updating employee handbook with changing laws.
The Board also moved to delay approving a Digital Communications Coordinator until a job description/evaluation is provided in writing, likely at the next meeting. Appointing of a Digital Communications Coordinator, and approval of pay for that position is also on hold until the job description is complete.
The Golf Cart Ordinance topic arose, on which Jones said there is no update on insurance. It had been hoped the sheriff could address the Board on the topic prior to taking any action on an ordinance, but Jones suggested that if he could not that the Board should move on. The desire is that an ordinance be in place by spring.
The Hayes Township Board will meet next at 10 a.m. Tuesday, Sept. 10 at the Hayes Municipal Complex, 2055 E. Townline Lake Road.
© Clare County Cleaver
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