County Seat Newspaper
of Clare County



We were on our way once more. School months don’t make for very good travel times, so we were seizing the opportunity to see family and friends in Ohio over Christmas vacation.

Some of the children enjoy traveling while others don’t care for it so much, but all enjoy arriving at our destination at Aunt Mary’s house.

There was the usual childish chatter along the way.

After a while I told the children that Mom will be taking a little nap, so they need to talk in whispers for now. Are boys made for that? I don’t know, but they tried, it seemed like they were somewhat getting the hang of it. In the meanwhile, I enjoyed some quiet under a soft blanket.

As we cruised down I-70, sleep would not come, so I relished the time with my Maker. I told him all I was feeling and thinking. Finally, I wiped tears as I told him once more that I accept all of what life has brought and though unknown, all of what he has in store for years to come. I pictured myself in God's strong arms, I knew it will all be well and that he understands that separation from a spouse to be a painful journey.

Rejuvenated, I turned my attention back to the precious family around me. Joshua was sleeping in his car seat next to me, with Hosanna in her booster seat on the other side. The two little boys behind us were strapped in their boosters on either side of Big Sister Julia and Austin sitting in front.

I pondered over those bygone years with multiple infant car seats. During those years Daniel filled in where he could while he helped sing songs and tell stories along the way. Etched in my memory was that first trip with the foster children after we found out we could adopt them. Our hearts beat with joy thinking of being a forever family.

Now, past Indianapolis, we stopped for gas, and the children enjoyed the refresher. Soon we were on our way and into a game of ABC. The first graders were pleased to be a part of it for the first time.

I turned to see what one of the boys needed when something caught my attention in the western sky. I took another good look. Had Julia not seen it first I would have doubted my ability to discern what I had been seeing.

There’s a rainbow!” she declared. It was not raining and it was not a sun dog either. As the forenoon sun tried to shine through the breaking clouds, soft hues from a partial rainbow hung in the west. In my heart I knew it was another rainbow of promise assuring me that God heard my cries to him and will provide as I navigate through all of life.

As we unloaded at our destination where I used to go to see my boyfriend 15 years ago, there was joy in my heart. Life was not the same, but God was still God.

The following days were filled with family times, including attending my mother’s family’s annual Christmas gathering. It was a highlight to be with Grandma again and see cousins from various states, including Cousin Conrad and his family who moved back to Ohio after serving in Guatemala for several years.

It was encouraging to spend time with Daniel’s former church family on Sunday. After Sunday School we all enjoyed the Yoder family tradition of pancakes for lunch.

By mid-afternoon our driver pulled up the driveway with Teacher Joey and his wife and daughter who had traveled with us and had also spent time with family in Ohio. Thanks to the Yoder brothers for helping load up our luggage and children. In a short order we were on our way.

Surely the Yoder family has been so good to us, even after our Daddy (their beloved brother) passed. They take us in like family, just as they always have, and assured us that that will never change.

As we traveled on home I was thankful for the cover of darkness; tears of joy for the thought of my beloved Daniel being with Jesus, kept escaping. He is really free with God himself! Surely, a life of pain is not a dead-end road, even when it seems like toil and responsibilities do not end.  Had God not chosen a painful path and met us there, there also would not be the joy to soak into those deeper parts of us.


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