County Seat Newspaper
of Clare County

BOE Selects New Board Trustee


HARRISON – The Dec. 11 meeting of the Harrison Community Schools Board of Education included interviews of four candidates for the open school board seat created by the resignation of Courtney McCrimmon. Those interviewees included two previous candidates, Brian Noel and Andrew Morris, and first-time candidates Mick Haley and Zachary Driver.

Candidates were asked to leave the room so as not to prematurely hear the Board’s questions/candidate’s answers, and after each candidate’s interview was completed, he was allowed to stay and hear the remaining interview(s).

As has been done when the board interviewed to fill previous vacancies, identical questions were posed which sought to inform the board of the candidates’ strengths, intentions, applicable skills and their take on what/where education is, should be and could be.

Each candidate was asked to introduce himself and to share why he was interested in serving on the school board. The remaining questions included:

-What do you see as the roles and responsibilities of a school board member?

-What strengths, skills and qualities will you bring to the Board of Education?

-In your opinion, what are some of the biggest challenges or opportunities facing public education today in Michigan, and specifically in Harrison?

-What comments or questions might you have for us?

All the candidates spoke with sincerity and openness about education and the possibilities for cooperative work to be done on behalf of students – with each of them prioritizing students.

Noel brought an openness to learn, along with a desire to ensure his grandchildren have a quality school to attend. He also spoke of the importance of being willing to be part of the solution rather than the problem. He also counted as a strength his recent awareness that sometimes things just have to work themselves out and can’t be forced.

Morris, who is the parent of a middle-schooler, said his interest in the seat arose from seeing a paucity of community participation at school board meetings, leading him to want to help however he can. He said that as someone who has managed a business for 13 years, his biggest strengths are problem-solving and a rational thought process.

Haley brought his extensive educational background and admiration for the Board, school district and students. He noted his experience on Harrison City Council and spoke of the importance of listening and being supportive of all teachers and students, ensuring the best environment to ensure their success.

Driver described his varied experience in technology [The Institute for Excellence in Education technology coordinator] and coaching Little League, and his belief that education comes down to a set of priorities, with the first being the kids. He said the Board’s job is finding ways for guiding administration through the schools, understanding ways to support teachers, and again, connecting with kids and how they can be supported.

All spoke of their experiences, pointing out how those experiences would translate into priorities and decision-making value in service to the district. They also described their experiences in education and how they relate to HCS District on a personal level.

When it came time for the Board to make its selection and turn four possibilities into one certainty, discussion included a great deal of positivity about each of the candidates – something refreshing and promising in times which seem to have become all too divisive and negative.

All Board members cited the quality of all the candidates, noting that each would make a fine addition to the Board. After discussion, a roll call vote was taken which yielded a unanimous vote to appoint Zachary Driver to fill the open seat. His duties will begin with the Board’s Jan. 8 meeting.

In other actions, the Board conducted the annual Superintendent Evaluation, which yielded strong scores, however, due to the unavailability of M-STEP data, finalizing the evaluation was tabled until the January meeting.

The Consent Agenda included approval of the following items:

-Regular meeting minutes of Nov. 13, 2023.

-Financial Reports for Nov. 1-30, 2023.

-Hiring of Andria Thomas as sixth-grade teacher.

-Hiring of Paige Rhodes as middle school English Language Arts teacher.

-Hiring of Beth McClain as middle school special education teacher.

© Clare County Cleaver


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